Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dell Inspiron 15 Unboxing Video

About a week ago, the hard drive on my "old" Dell laptop crashed. Since I couldn't replace the hard drive for as cheap as I wanted to, I bought a NEW replacement laptop from Best Buy yesterday! I have to say that so far, I am very happy with my new Dell Inspiron 15 laptop.

I plan on making a full video review of my new laptop, but until then, sink your teeth into this NEW unboxing video from!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Party

Super Bowl Sunday comes every year, and with it, come the awesome Super Bowl parties to celebrate the game with family and friends.

I went to a Super Bowl party yesterday that was hosted by a friend of mine from my church. Much fun was had, and much food was consumed!

The highlight of the food table was this amazing cake!

And of course we watched the game...

But the commercials proved to be very entertaining as well.

Below are a couple of my favorites!

The Volkswagen commercial was everybody's favorite.

What is your favorite Super Bowl commercial?
Leave a comment below.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Colorado Snow

As many people know, most of Colorado has been hit by multiple snowstorms and blizzards over the past couple of days. Today, the bombardment of snow came to an end, for now. After the snowing ended, it was time for everyone to shovel their driveways!

After shoveling my family's driveway, I ended up with a MASSIVE pile of snow which I have named, "Mini Mt. Everest."

This picture gives you an idea of how big Mini Mt. Everest really is.

After the skies cleared up, the scenery sure was amazing!

Do you get alot of snow where you live? Leave a comment below.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Joe Room

My personal G.I. Joe collection has become somewhat of a "local legend" in my community. Over the past 4 years that I have been collecting G.I. Joe figures and vehicles, the collection has grown in size at a rate that alarms even myself. My collection started off back when I lived in Florida as a few figures and vehicles which I kept in my closet. You can view the first video of my collection below. Filmed in May 2009.

Eventually, my family and I moved to Colorado. Our new home had enough space that I was able to devote an entire room to my G.I. Joe collection! These pictures were taken in December of 2010.

    Unpacking was a chore.

And this is what the Joe Room looked like on Christmas of 2010.

Video tour of the Joe Room taken in April of 2011.

What the Joe Room looks like as of February 2, 2012.

What do you collect? Leave a comment below.