Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Joe Room

My personal G.I. Joe collection has become somewhat of a "local legend" in my community. Over the past 4 years that I have been collecting G.I. Joe figures and vehicles, the collection has grown in size at a rate that alarms even myself. My collection started off back when I lived in Florida as a few figures and vehicles which I kept in my closet. You can view the first video of my collection below. Filmed in May 2009.

Eventually, my family and I moved to Colorado. Our new home had enough space that I was able to devote an entire room to my G.I. Joe collection! These pictures were taken in December of 2010.

    Unpacking was a chore.

And this is what the Joe Room looked like on Christmas of 2010.

Video tour of the Joe Room taken in April of 2011.

What the Joe Room looks like as of February 2, 2012.

What do you collect? Leave a comment below.

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