Wednesday, May 23, 2012


With my trip to Japan coming up very soon, I want to fix up Awesome Network and its affiliate websites into top shape. I have plans to give this central website a complete overhaul, and it will all be themed around the Awesome Network logo. Just to give ya'll a head's up!

So be sure to look for the various changes that will arise very soon!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

DAN in JAPAN Travel Blog!

If you haven't heard, I'm going to be studying abroad in Japan this whole summer! So that everyone can follow my adventures in Japan, I've created a new travel blog called Dan in Japan.

You can go to my travel blog here: DAN in JAPAN Travel Blog

Check it out, and be sure to check for new posts in my new travel blog and here at Awesome Network!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

BlackBerry Playbook

So I picked up this gadget about 3 weeks ago, and I am very happy with my purchase.

Introducing, my BlackBerry Playbook tablet!

So as you all remember, I bought a Dell Inspiron 15 laptop a while back. Now don't get me wrong, it's a great laptop, but it's not as portable as I'd like for it to be. I had been looking into a more portable gadget that could do the basic functions that my laptop could. The BlackBerry Playbook fit the ticket perfectly!

Now I won't go too far into detail, as I would like to make a full video review sometime soon. However, I will tell ya'll what the best thing about this tablet is, the OS.

The Playbook uses RIM's custom OS, which was designed specifically for the tablet. It's easy to use, easy to navigate, and the multitasking capabilities are amazing! I can run 10 applications at the same time, and it won't hiccup in the least bit.

In short, if you are looking for a functional and very portable tablet, I would highly reccommend the BlackBerry Playbook. I purchased the 16GB version for $199.99, so they are very affordable.

Have you picked up a new gadget recently?
Leave a comment below.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Mole Mess

Howdy all!

Well it sure has been a while since I last posted on my blog. Hopefully, I won't be neglecting my blog/website anymore.

Well I guess I'll bring ya'll up to speed and I'll explain why I haven't posted in a long time.
So about a month ago, I went to the hospital for a check-up. My doctor noticed the mole that I've had on my navel since I was born, and was very suspicious of it. The mole looked very similar to moles that are caused by Melanoma, which is a very dangerous kind of skin cancer. I later went to a dermatologist, who looked at the mole and took a sample from it. After waiting about 3 days, the results from the biopsy came back saying that the mole had some "abnormal" cells, but nothing cancerous. Finally, a little over a week ago, I had surgery and had my entire navel cut off.

Well that's my explanation, and as of today, I'm still treating the wound that was left from my surgery. But to relieve any anxiety you might have, everything is ok now, and this HUGE headache is over with.

Guess I can't go to Navel Academy when I get older...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dell Inspiron 15 Unboxing Video

About a week ago, the hard drive on my "old" Dell laptop crashed. Since I couldn't replace the hard drive for as cheap as I wanted to, I bought a NEW replacement laptop from Best Buy yesterday! I have to say that so far, I am very happy with my new Dell Inspiron 15 laptop.

I plan on making a full video review of my new laptop, but until then, sink your teeth into this NEW unboxing video from!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Party

Super Bowl Sunday comes every year, and with it, come the awesome Super Bowl parties to celebrate the game with family and friends.

I went to a Super Bowl party yesterday that was hosted by a friend of mine from my church. Much fun was had, and much food was consumed!

The highlight of the food table was this amazing cake!

And of course we watched the game...

But the commercials proved to be very entertaining as well.

Below are a couple of my favorites!

The Volkswagen commercial was everybody's favorite.

What is your favorite Super Bowl commercial?
Leave a comment below.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Colorado Snow

As many people know, most of Colorado has been hit by multiple snowstorms and blizzards over the past couple of days. Today, the bombardment of snow came to an end, for now. After the snowing ended, it was time for everyone to shovel their driveways!

After shoveling my family's driveway, I ended up with a MASSIVE pile of snow which I have named, "Mini Mt. Everest."

This picture gives you an idea of how big Mini Mt. Everest really is.

After the skies cleared up, the scenery sure was amazing!

Do you get alot of snow where you live? Leave a comment below.