Monday, March 5, 2012

The Mole Mess

Howdy all!

Well it sure has been a while since I last posted on my blog. Hopefully, I won't be neglecting my blog/website anymore.

Well I guess I'll bring ya'll up to speed and I'll explain why I haven't posted in a long time.
So about a month ago, I went to the hospital for a check-up. My doctor noticed the mole that I've had on my navel since I was born, and was very suspicious of it. The mole looked very similar to moles that are caused by Melanoma, which is a very dangerous kind of skin cancer. I later went to a dermatologist, who looked at the mole and took a sample from it. After waiting about 3 days, the results from the biopsy came back saying that the mole had some "abnormal" cells, but nothing cancerous. Finally, a little over a week ago, I had surgery and had my entire navel cut off.

Well that's my explanation, and as of today, I'm still treating the wound that was left from my surgery. But to relieve any anxiety you might have, everything is ok now, and this HUGE headache is over with.

Guess I can't go to Navel Academy when I get older...

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